
Efficient methodology – effective software product

Lately, the world's leading specialized companies developing new software products give preference to flexible methodologies, of which Agile is one.

It is often being called an iteration method, because the whole process of creating a large and complex product is broken down in several relatively small iterations. Therefore, the future software representing an almost ready product at each iteration is regularly presented to the customer for preliminary evaluation and corrections.

The Agile method envisaging frequent releases of future product stimulates software developers and allows to make timely changes in a project and correct errors while it is still in development phase. In addition, Agile allows to maximize interaction with the customer, making development process as active as possible, and minimize the paperwork. Each iteration and presentation of a new product includes preliminary testing.

Such an approach, which rules out formal attitude toward development, helps yield a flexible, quality product in the shortest possible (real) time, a product which fully meets customer's all requirements.

The Agile methodology includes several varieties of flexible development methods, for example, Scrum. The latter envisages involvement of all team members without exception in the process of creating a new product, with every member playing his own role. In fact, it is a code of rules which make the process of creating new solutions more manageable and effective.

However, any development method may guarantee excellent results only if used with skill and competence.