Banking & Financial Services |
IТ strategies for financial institutions Experience which our company has accumulated while doing business with various financial institutions helps our team develop and implement efficient software products for banking industry. We are ready to take on the most complex projects and at the same time guarantee high quality and reasonable order fulfillment timeframes. The Polyteco team has everything they need (professional staff, methodologies, production equipment) to develop and implement unique solutions for comprehensive automation of main and ancillary business processes at any financial and credit institutions. As part of the Banking & Financial Services we offer functional software products to fulfill the following tasks: • automation of management processes (asset, risk, budget management); • automation of business operations (financial and personnel accounting, corporate service); • automation of customer relations (customer-oriented CRM systems); • automation of financial transactions (payment, deposit, credit, and other banking transactions); • creation of reliable data warehouses. Seamless integration of all applications is achieved thanks to the use of convenient standard tools. Polyteco experts may also upgrade your existing systems and provide professional consultation on optimization of information systems. New solutions will help you ensure development of your business and meet all requirements of your customers. |